Wieslaw Kaczmarek MD PhD is a senior orthopaedic surgeon in Orthopaedic Department of K. Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań (POLAND). Deals with both conservative and surgical treatment of most common orthopaedic entities in adults; performing operations on NHS and in private hospitals.

Site sacrificed most common orthopaedic entities in adults. Currently in the 21 th century as people live longer and longer, the osteoarthritis problems of almost all the joints in human body are statistically one of the most often diagnosed diseases in adults. About 60% of people after the age of 50 experienced some low back pain. About 10% of individuals suffer from hip, knee or ankle pain because of various stage of osteoarthritis. Author deals with these problems including both conservative and surgical treatment. Various kinds of prosthesis are beeing used in the surgical procedures in the treatment of hip or knee osteoarthritis. Currently there is not a problem to get most modern orthopaedic implants. All the most popular companies are present in Poland and prosthesis made by J&J, BIOMET, Zweimuller, Sulzer, Zimmer, Esculap, are commonly used. It is to an orthopaedic surgeon decision, which kind of implant is the best for each individual. In the hip osteoarthritis non-cemented implants are more and more often used. Even for some elder patients after the age of 70 with good quality of bones, uncemented prosthesis is a good choice. As hip prostheses are sometimes implanted in quite young patients, hip resurfacing can be a good choice. The femoral head and neck are not resected in resurfacing procedure, and the head is covered with a special cup of a diameter close to the head size. Such a big prosthesis is less susceptible for dislocation but follow up of this procedure is still too short for the final conclusions. Statistically modern uncemented implants have far lower risk of loosening and they integrate with patients bone. Titanium- covered or hydroxyapatite- covered hip prostheses are used for several years now and implanted in thousands all over the world. Complications in this kind of surgery are uncommon and encounter only for 1-3%. Deep vein or superficial-vein thrombosis, early implant infections, lung embolism, bone fractures are most common early complications. Late peri-implant infections, septic or non-septic implant loosening are most common late complications. Author deals with both hip and knee prostheses implantations for 15 years and has an experience of more than 300 such procedures.
Knee problems are also very common in orthopaedic practice. Sport injures are often responsible for knee problems in younger patients while obesity and hard physical work is a background for osteoarthritis in adults. A lot of knee problems might be effectively cured with an arthroscopy. Meniscus trauma, cartilage lesion, ACL and PCL reconstructions are treated with minimal incision on the knee and camera introduction.
Foot problems are common in females, where hallux valgus, flattend transverse arch, and lesser toes malformations are responsible for greater part of complaints. Some simple surgical procedures can realign foot and relieve patients from pain. Surgical procedures for hallux valgus are effective in long follow up.
Another adult problem is a low back pain where disc degeneration, stenosis of the vertebral canal, arthritis of intervertebral joints are common. The entities can be treated effectively both using conservative and surgical treatment.

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hip, prosthesis, cemented, uncemented, resurfacing, knee

ankle, arthrodesis, sprain, distorsion, hallux, orthopaedic, surgeon, scoliosis, disc, low back, pain

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